We get 83 glorious days of summer ☀️ break!
I want to maximize this precious time, so I made a Summer Planner for Kids!
I reflected on frustrations and hiccups from previous summers, and decided that this time management tool would help us to avoid some of our past challenges…
❌Having too many different papers, calendars, notebooks & lists in different places. ✅We needed one thing that has all the things in one place.
❌Not knowing when events/travel are happening, therefore asking me 27,000 times. ✅Now they have a calendar they can always refer to.
❌Having to decide on journal prompts each day. ✅This year I chose them all in advance and have them in the back of the planner with the days already listed.
❌Losing or not remembering goals they set. ✅Now they know where they wrote them down and can refer back as needed.
❌Not having a place to track the books we are reading or their reading minutes. ✅Now it is in the planner.
❌Not having a place to write down things they need to remember each day. ✅I love our week-at-glance spread.
And more!
Some of the features include…
⭐️ May-August month-at-a-glance calendars with events and travel typed in.
⭐️One page of goal setting, including how much they want to earn and a place to enter the amount they want to save and tithe.
⭐️A page to track books they read and audible stories we listen to. They keep a tracking page for how many minutes they read inside the planner.
⭐️2-page week-at-a-glance spreads to see the entire week, hour by hour. I entered our daily 9am-12-noon daily schedule.
⭐️At the end of the week-at-a-glance is a list of their morning and evening chores for a quick reference.
⭐️We have a weekly hymn that we listen to every morning together. Thank you to my sister-in-law Melinda for this idea. They write down the title and their favorite line of the hymn.
⭐️We have a weekly Bible verse that we memorize. They write down the verse for the week.
⭐️There are daily journal prompts for every week day of the summer in the back of the planner.
This resource has been a wonderful tool for communication, time management skills and teaching a sense of ownership for their life and responsibilities. They have loved having their own spiral bound planner and it has added to the peace and joy in our home.
Check out sample pages & customize your own copy here: https://thinkpinksoftware.com/summer-planner/
Have an amazing summer!